YVD Download


YVD Download

Welcome to the Wonderful world of Yugioh Virtual Desktop

What does Yugioh Virtual Desktop Do?

YVD as we call it. Allows you to connect to other people online and duel them using Yugioh Cards.

How do I duel?

With Virtual Desktop you'll need to connect to someone. To do that you'll need their IP number. An IP number identifies your computer on the internet and it changes every time you log on. Once you connect using an ip number (or they connect to you) you can duel! THE GAME WILL TELL YOU YOUR IP NUMBER WHEN YOU CHOOSE THE "LISTEN" OPTION WHAT YOUR IP NUMBER IS....

Okay, Im hooked...where do i find the download?

Before i give you the link here is how to download the stuff on the page....
On top of the download page...it will show you some "needed files".

Dont worry about those until you downloaded the full version of the game (known as the "whole shabang", it is found on the bottom of the download page.)

....If you downloaded the "whole shabang" and it says it cant find a file or gets some sort of "missing control" error then visit those files on the top of the download page....and FOR GOD SAKES...follow the directions....

Okay now that we got that cleared up....visit the download page
Click Here To Download

How can I find people to duel?
Visit one of our many fine chats...such as the one located here.....Our Chat Room

How To Find Your IP Number

To Find your IP Number, in the chat room, there is a thing at the bottom of the chat room that's called....chat.planetz.net That should tell you your IP Number.